APC SmartSlot Management
You must define three TCP/IP settings for the Network Management Card before it can operate on the network:
- IP address of the Management Card
- Subnet mask
- IP address of the default gateway
To configure the TCP/IP settings, see the Network Management Card Installation and Quick Start Manual, available on the APC Network Management Card Utility CD and in printed form.
For detailed information on how to use a DHCP server to configure the TCP/ IP settings at a Management Card, see TCP/IP and Communication Settings in the user manual.
No, The SMT and SMX UPS model series have a different prong layout slot for accepting only the SmartSlot 2 Series Cards such as the AP9630 and AP9631.
The following is a list of APC Accessories that may be upgraded. However, certain accessories may need to be serviced by APC due to safety issues.
Part Number | Upgrade Information | |
SmartSlot Call-UPS II | AP9608 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot Interface Expander | AP9607 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot Measure-UPS II | AP9612 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot Relay I/O Module | AP9610 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot SNMP Adapter for 10Base-T | AP9605 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot SNMP Adapter for Token Ring | AP9603 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot Triple Chassis | AP9604 | No upgrade available |
SmartSlot Triple Chassis for Silcon | AP9604S AP904SR | No upgrade available |
Web/SNMP Management Card | AP9606 | Firmware upgrades are available under the Support section of www.apcc.com. |
Network Management Card | AP9617, AP9618, AP9619 | Firmware upgrades are available under the Support section of www.apcc.com |
PowerView | AP9215 | No upgrade available |
Share-UPS | AP9207 | No upgrade available |
In order to contact APC for information, please call 1-800-555-2725.
First you need to connect your APC Smart Signaling Cable to your Workstation and APC Smart-UPS UPS. Then configure your HyperTerminal or Telnet connection to:
- Bits Per Second – 2400
- Data Bits - 8
- Parity - None
- Stop Bits - 1
- Flow Control - Hardware
These applications and utilities work with a UPS that connects to the network through a Network Management Card. PowerChute® Network Shutdown to provide unattended remote graceful shutdown of computers that are connected to APC UPSs APC InfraStruXure™ Manager for enterprise-level power management and management of APC agents, UPSs, information controllers, and environmental monitors APC PowerNet® Management Information Base (MIB) with a standard MIB browser to perform SNMP SETs and GETs and to use SNMP traps The APC Device IP Configuration Wizard to configure the basic settings of one or more Network Management Cards over the network The APC Security Wizard to create components needed for high security for the Network Management Card when you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and related protocols and encryption routines
For more information about the internal user interfaces, see Web Interface and Control Console in the user manual.
Access priority for logging on
Only one user at a time can log on to the Management Card. The priority for access, beginning with the highest priority, is as follows:
- Local access to the control console from a computer with a direct serial connection to the Management Card.
- Telnet or Secure SHell (SSH) access to the control console from a remote computer.
- Web access, either directly or through the InfraStruXure Manager.
Types of user accounts
The Management Card has three levels of access (Administrator, Device User, and Read-Only User), which are protected by user name and password requirements.
- An Administrator can use all the menus in the Web interface and control console. The default user name and password are both apc.
- A Device User can access only the following:
- In the Web interface, the menus on the UPS and Environment tabs and the event and data logs, accessible under the Events and Data headings on the left navigation menu of the Logs tab.
- In the control console, the equivalent features and options.
- The default user name is device, and the default password is apc.
- A Read-Only User has the following restricted access:
- Access through the Web interface only.
- Access to the same tabs and menus as a Device User, but without the capability to change configurations, control devices, delete data, or use file transfer options. Links to configuration options are visible but disabled, and the event and data logs display no button to clear the log.
- The default user name is readonly, and the default password is apc.
You must use the Web interface to configure values for the Read-Only User.
You can use a local computer, a computer that connects to the Management Card or other device through the serial port, to access the control console.
- At the local computer, select a serial port, and disable any service that uses it.
- Connect the serial cable from the selected port on the computer to the configuration port at the UPS Network Management Card or at the APC S Type Power Conditioner with Battery Backup:
- For an APC UPS, use the provided serial cable (APC part number 940-0024) or the longer serial cable that you can order (APC part number 940-1524).
- For an APC S Type Power Conditioner with Battery Backup, use the provided industry-standard RS-232 serial cable (APC part number 940-1000B.)
- Run a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal®) and configure the selected port for 2400 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
- Press ENTER, repeatedly if necessary, to display the User Name prompt. If you are unable to display the User Name prompt, verify the following:
- The serial port is not in use by another application.
- The terminal settings are correct as specified in step 3.
- The correct cable is being used as specified in step 2.
- Press the Reset button. The Status LED will flash alternately orange and green. Press the Reset button a second time immediately while the LED is flashing to reset the user name and password to their defaults temporarily.
- Press ENTER as many times as necessary to redisplay the User Name prompt, then use the default, apc, for the user name and password. (If you take longer than 30 seconds to log on after the User Name prompt is redisplayed, you must repeat step 5 and log on again.)
- From the Control Console menu, select System, then User Manager.
- Select Administrator, and change the User Name and Password settings, both of which are now defined as apc.
- Press CTRL+C, log off, reconnect any serial cable you disconnected, and restart any service you disabled.
These indicate the status of the UPS. Following is a list of the different UPS Status States.
Condition | Description |
Off | The Management Card has no power. |
Solid Green | The Management Card has valid TCP/IP settings. |
Flashing Green | The Management Card does not have valid TCP/IP settings. |
Solid Orange | A hardware failure has been detected in the Management Card. |
Flashing Orange | The Management Card is making BOOTP requests. |
Flashing Orange and Green | The Management Card is making DHCP requests. |
This LED indicates the network status.
Condition | Description |
Off | One of the following situations exists:
Solid Green | The Management Card is connected to a network operating at 10 Megabits per second (Mbps). |
Solid Orange | The Management Card is connected to a network operating at 100 Megabits per second (Mbps). |
Flashing Green | The Management Card is receiving or transmitting data packets at 10 Megabits per second (Mbps). |
Flashing Orange | The Management Card is receiving or transmitting data packets at 100 Megabits per second (Mbps). |
Use case-sensitive user name and password entries to log on (by default, apc and apc for an Administrator, or device and apc for a Device User). A Read-Only User has no access to the control console.
Remote access to the control console
You can access the control console through Telnet or Secure SHell (SSH). Telnet is enabled by default. Enabling SSH disables Telnet.
To enable or disable these access methods:
- In the Web interface, on the Administration tab, select Network on the top menu bar, and then the access option under Console on the left navigation menu.
- In the control console, use the Telnet/SSH option of the Network menu.
To use Telnet to access the control console:
- From a computer on the same network as the Management Card, at a command prompt, type telnet and the System IP address for the Management Card (for example, telnet, when the Management Card uses the default Telnet port of 23), and press ENTER. If the Management Card uses a non-default port number (from 5000 to 32768), you must include a colon or a space, depending on your Telnet client, between the IP address (or DNS name) and the port number.
- Enter the user name and password (by default, apc and apc for an Administrator, or device and apc for a Device User).
Local access to the control console
For local access, use a computer that connects to the Management Card or other device through the serial port, to access the control console:
- Select a serial port at the computer and disable any service that uses the port.
- Connect the serial cable from the selected port on the computer to the configuration port at the UPS Network Management Card or Expansion Chassis or at the APC S Type Power Conditioner with Battery Backup:
- For an APC UPS, use the serial cable, APC part number 940-0024 or 940-1524.
- For an APC S Type Power Conditioner with Battery Backup, use the provided industry-standard RS-232 serial cable, APC part number 940-1000B.
- Run a terminal program (e.g., HyperTerminal), and configure the selected port for 2400 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
- Press ENTER, and at the prompts, enter your user name and password.
You can use either a local (serial) connection, or a remote (Telnet or SSH) connection with a computer on the same network (LAN) as the Management Card to access the control console. For an AP9618 Network Management Card, you can also use its internal analog modem to access the control console.
Use case-sensitive user name and password entries to log on (by default, apc and apc for an Administrator, or device and apc for a Device User). A Read-Only User has no access to the control console.
Remote access to the control console
You can access the control console through Telnet or Secure SHell (SSH). Telnet is enabled by default. Enabling SSH disables Telnet.
To enable or disable these access methods:
- In the Web interface, on the Administration tab, select Network on the top menu bar, and then the access option under Console on the left navigation menu.
- In the control console, use the Telnet/SSH option of the Network menu.
To use Telnet to access the control console:
- From a computer on the same network as the Management Card, at a command prompt, type telnet and the System IP address for the Management Card (for example, telnet, when the Management Card uses the default Telnet port of 23), and press ENTER. If the Management Card uses a non-default port number (from 5000 to 32768), you must include a colon or a space, depending on your Telnet client, between the IP address (or DNS name) and the port number.
- Enter the user name and password (by default, apc and apc for an Administrator, or device and apc for a Device User).
Local access to the control console
For local access, use a computer that connects to the Management Card or other device through the serial port, to access the control console:
- Select a serial port at the computer and disable any service that uses the port.
- Connect the serial cable from the selected port on the computer to the configuration port at the UPS Network Management Card or Expansion Chassis or at the APC S Type Power Conditioner with Battery Backup:
- For an APC UPS, use the serial cable, APC part number 940-0024 or 940-1524.
- For an APC S Type Power Conditioner with Battery Backup, use the provided industry-standard RS-232 serial cable, APC part number 940-1000B.
- Run a terminal program (e.g., HyperTerminal), and configure the selected port for 2400 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
- Press ENTER, and at the prompts, enter your user name and password.
Coldstart event indicates that the NMC has just been powered and has completed startup.
Power interruption to the NMC: If a device powering the NMC suffers an interruption of power, the NMC will restart when power is reapplied to that device.
A Warmstart event indicates that the NMC has rebooted and completed startup, without losing power. The default function of the card is to ping the designated gateway. The error occurs due to a couple of factors:
- The default gateway is wrong or the network traffic is too heavy and the card can not be reached.
- FTP upload completion: After a new AOS or Application firmware upgrade has been uploaded to the NMC the NMC will automatically reboot and run the new firmware.
- Logout if settings are changed: Modification of some NMC settings will require a reboot of the NMC.
- Reset Switch: If the Reset button on the front panel of the NMC is pressed the NMC will reboot immediately.
- Web Interface Reboot request: One of the NMC options for Reboot was selected in the Web User Interface.
- Network settings have changed: At least one of the TCP/IP settings changed. The system will reboot for the settings to take effect.
- Restart SNMP Agent: A request to re-start the current SMNP agent was received.
- Load and execute SNMP Agent: A request to load and execute a new SNMP agent was received.
- Clear Network and start SNMP Agent: A request to clear the NMC?s network settings and re-start the SNMP agent was received.
- Smart-UPS Output Voltage Change: Some Smart-UPS models allow the output voltage to be changed. This requires a reboot of the NMC firmware.
- Detected Firmware Error: An internal firmware error was detected by the NMC and to clear the error the NMC firmware explicitly reboots itself.
- Unrecoverable Firmware Error: An undetected firmware error occurred and the hardware watchdog reboots the NMC to clear the error.
Liebert Intellislot Management
You can login to your GXT2-ISWEBCARD through MultiView software if connected to a network. If you have not connected it to your network yet and want to manually configure it before connecting to a network, a NULL DB9 Serial cable is required and a Workstation with HyperTerminal or Telnet.
- Connect the DB9 Cable to your workstation and UPS.
- Open HyperTerminal or Telnet. With connection settings:
- Bits per second: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow Control: Hardware
- Establish connection. Once connected log in using the default login as “Liebert” for both username and password.
- Once Connected follow the on screen prompts to change the configuration.
The Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card family delivers SNMP, Telnet and web-management capability for enhanced communications and control of Liebert UPS, power management or precision cooling systems. Monitoring is provided by a wide range of operating parameters, alarms and notifications that are transmitted over the network. The Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card (formerly Liebert OpenComms Web Card and Liebert OpenComms NIC Card) delivers SNMP and Web management to a Liebert UPS, power management or precision cooling system connected to any 10- or 100-Mbit Ethernet network. The interface provides for remote web or in-the-field firmware upgrade. Alarms and parameters are transmitted over the network using SNMP, email, and SMS text. In addition, Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card w/Adapter supports Modbus.
The Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card (GXT2-ISWEBCARD) is compatible with the Liebert PowerSure PSI line-interactive UPS, Liebert GXT on-line UPS, Liebert GXT 6 & 10kVA on-line UPS, Liebert GXT 2U on-line UPS and Liebert Nfinity on-line UPS.
The Serial Cable is a standard NULL Serial DB9 cable.
Once the card has started:
- Connect one end of the cable (34003918) to the Service port. If the environment sensor was previously connected, the card must be restarted in order to access the configuration menu.
- Connect the other end of the cable to the COM port (IOIOI) of a PC. Launch a HyperTerminal™ type emulator with the following configuration:
- Speed: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: none
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow control: none
- "Locally reproduce the characters entered" option:deactivated
- Enter admin. The main menu is displayed:
- 1 : Reset
- 2 : Network configuration
- 3 : Set Login Password to Default
- 4 : Return to Default Configuration
- 0 : Exit
Your network is equipped with a DHCP server. The card is configured by default with this service activated. The card automatically collects IP parameters. To know the IP parameters, type 2, the next menu is displayed:
- Network settings
- 1 : Read Network settings
- 2 : Modify Network settings
- 3 : Set Ethernet speed
- 0 : Exit
- Network configuration :
- MAC address : 00:20:85:FD:1C:07
- Mode : Static IP
- IP address :
- Subnet mask :
- Gateway
To exit, enter 0 then 0. The card is operational.
Note: As long as the card is not connected to the network, it continuously attempts to make connection. Once the connection has been established, the operational mode presented in the table above becomes effective.
Network Management Card – User Manual 34003991EN/EC
Your network is not equipped with a DHCP server. In the main menu enter 2, then 2 again. The menu is displayed. Follow the instructions and enter the static IP parameters. At the end of the menu, wait for the "Done" message to be displayed indicating that the IP parameters have been saved.
- Network settings
- 1 : Read Network settings
- 2 : Modify Network settings
- 3 : Set Ethernet speed
- 0 : Exit
- Should this target obtain IP settings from the network?[N] N
- Static IP address []?
- Static IP address is
- Subnet Mask IP address []?
- Subnet Mask IP address is
- Gateway address IP address []?
- Gateway address IP address is
- Reset the card to take into account the new configuration.
- Return to the main menu and enter 1 then 2.
The following features are available on a Powerware 103006826 SNMP management card:
- Provides versatile support through HTTP, SNMP, SMTP, Telnet, SSL and SSH compatibility
- Enables remote management of a UPS or rebooting of protected devices over SNMP/Web
- Customizable actions including automatic shutdown in the event of an extended power failure
- Data and event logging
- Receive email/SMS notification of alerts
- Compatible with SNMPv3 and IPv6
The Powerware 103006826 SNMP Management card is compatible with the following units:
- 5130
- 5PX
- 9130
- 9135
- Evolution
- Evolution S
- EX
- MX
- MX Frame
- 9E